Tuesday 31 May 2011

Monday 30 May 2011

Day 103 - The Deathly Hallows

Finally watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1! So good, but why did they have to split it in to 2???

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Sunday 29 May 2011

Day 102 - Borough Market

All kinds of goodies to munch and sip on, including French style Pimms and the worlds best coffee!

Then a delicious cupcake from The Hummingbird Bakery at Portobello Market in Notting Hill and finish it off with some wine at Gordon's Wine Bar, the oldest in London.

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Friday 27 May 2011

Day 101 - TGIF

Not only was it fancy coffee Friday,

But it was also The Hangover II, so so so funny!

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Day 100 - Thunder Clouds

A summertime sky that reminds me of home.

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Day 99 - A Simple Cut

Ouch, while cutting my onions, I found my finger.

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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 98 - Through Painted Deserts

Another excellent book to check off the list.

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Monday 23 May 2011

Day 97 - Glee Prom

What a fabulous show, prom!!! I love Glee!

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Sunday 22 May 2011

Day 96 - Swollen Eye

Not really sure what's up with this, but it sure doesn't feel right...

My left eye is super swollen, ouch!

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Saturday 21 May 2011

Day 95 - Jump, For My Love

Just remembering my childhood, but tired out pretty quick, and definitely no flips!

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Day 94 - I Got The Golden Ticket

Tim passed his 'casebook'!!! It's a big deal to a veterinarian in England! (his ticket is actually green, and it gets him in for the big tests!)

Plus, there was celebratory wine!

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Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 93 - Golf Pro Shop

I spent many years in my youth

gracing the 'Practice Tee' golf pro shop. I never expected the lounge in the cottage that I live in, in a small English village to turn in to one. Golf golf everywhere....

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Wednesday 18 May 2011

Day 92 - Bed Stayed Made

My bed stayed made until 10:15, I didn't get in it until bed time! Step 1, take my life back, complete.

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Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 91 - I Vant to get my Car

This police officer prevented an angry mob from getting to their cars at London Luton airport because apparently there was an 'incident' in the car park.

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Monday 16 May 2011

Day 90 - Budapest

Eastern Europe is not so bad, and Budapest is definitely a place and trip that has been one of my favourites!

Day 89 - Rudas Baths

A little creepy, but this Turkish bath has been here for ages, but the ceiling is beautiful.

Day 88 - The Valley of the Beautiful Woman

Tucked away in Hungary, is a wonderful place, where wine flows generously, and the women get more beautiful as the night goes on.

Friday 13 May 2011

Day 87 - Night Night Kelli Belly

Getting ready for Budapest, up and at 'em at 3:45AM!!!

Day 86 - Looks Like an Angel

But is actually a bit of a shit, all in all, a good boy

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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 85 - Deal, Walmer and Dover

Three of the castles on the coast of Kent. Deal Castle and Walmer Castle are both built as forts to defent against the enemy. Dover Castle is my favourite so far, and it's set up inside like it was believed to have been when Henry II built it. Lots of fabulous colors!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day 84 - Thanks Friends

Lunch with Kelli and dinner with the girls, texts from colleagues, and scrabble with my house mate. Thank goodness for good friends!

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Monday 9 May 2011

Day 83 - Cheese Course

Tim's cheese course to go along with Glee!

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Sunday 8 May 2011

Day 82 - Pimms

First Pimms of the season, to go with my first taste of queso since last year!

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Saturday 7 May 2011

Day 81 - A Work in Progress

While I was away in Egypt, Improvements to the garden were made. Enjoyed them tonight, along with some ribs, lamb chops, potatoes, corn, salad, and a home made pear tart.

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Friday 6 May 2011

Day 80 - Pocahontas

A pit stop on Pocahontas' journey found her supposedly buried in Gravesend.

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Thursday 5 May 2011

Day 79 - Feliz Cinco de Mayo

A little trip home, made from scratch.

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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Monday 2 May 2011

Day 75 - A Long Way Home

After 5 hours on a flight with screaming children and a tummy ache, a train ride from Heathrow to south east London to collect my car and head home, I arrived safe and sound to my bed.

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Location:Maidstone,United Kingdom

Day 74 - Egyptian Market

Our last day, after returning to Cairo, ended in chaos.

Otherwise known as the Egyptian market.

Day 73 - Valley of the Kings

One of the hottest places on earth, and we arrived in style.

Day 72 - Luxor

On our way to Luxor, after leaving our Felucca, we visited two more temples, Edfu and Kom Ombo. The architecture is amazing.

Day 71 - Go Team Go - Felucca

We split into small groups to sail the Nile River on Feluccas, basically camping on a sail boat. Made some wonderful new friends, and we are all "too sexy" for Egypt, and watch out for poo!

Day 70 - Abu Simbel Temple

An early morning coach ride to one of the oldest temples in the world, over 2500 years ago.

Egyptian temples were built by pharoahs and dedicated to different gods and goddesses with offerings.

Day 69 - Nubian

My very first Henna at a Nubian house in Aswan, Egypt

Day 68 - Ancient Wonders

One of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

Day 67 - Cairo

A Nile Cruise with a twirling man...