Thursday 31 March 2011

Day 44 - Photo Update

For those that aren't on Facebook, I'm spending some time tonight updating my picassa web albums!

And Bruce is helping!

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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 43 - Donut

Donut (England) = a stupid person, as in 'what a donut' to describe someone that you think has said something or done something foolish. Perhaps that's why they have Homer Simpson on a package for pink donuts?

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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 42 - Summertime, the Livin's Easy

Even if we are huddled around a tiki torch.

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Monday 28 March 2011

Day 41 - Old Friends

For the first time in my 30th year, I went to the gym. Hello, old friend, I wish I could say I missed you as much as I need to, but I'd rather be eating McDonalds.

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Sunday 27 March 2011

Day 40 - Hello Carly

I haven't seen you since I spent the day with you after having locked myself out of the house and had to wait for Tim to get home from work. Good times :)

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Saturday 26 March 2011

Day 39 - First BBQ of the Season

I really thought today would at least be sunny, of course, when you eat at 9pm it doesn't matter, and when Tim is cooking, it's going to be good. We just had to do it on the 'grill' or inside! Delish!

And don't be jealous of our dining room table!

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Day 38 - Friday Night, Just Got Paid

Payday and Robyn's birthday celebrations, had a fantabulous time!

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Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 37 - Robynator

Happy Birthday Robyn! Thanks Dan for the lovely meal and wine!

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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 36 - 6 Speed

My very first 6 speed, a Toyota Aygo in the UK, go figure. Of course, it went along with the astronomical amount they charged me for two pieces of plastic and a mirror glass, but thus is my ridiculous life.

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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 35 - Has Spring Sprung

The cherry blossom is blooming, and my housemate told me this is an indicator that spring is here. Also that they only bloom for about two weeks, which is about how long spring is here for.

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Monday 21 March 2011

Day 34 - Off the Road

It's here, arrived today!!

My UK driving license, now if everyone would just get out of my way!!!

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Sunday 20 March 2011

Day 33 - Why Belfast

For some brilliant reason, we booked our flight home from Ireland out of Belfast instead of Dublin, don't have a better reason than we wanted to say we've been there, and now we can. However, the first bus was full, so we had to wait another hour for the next one.

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Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 32 - The Edge of the Earth

The Cliffs of Moher feel a bit like the edge of the earth, but absolutely amazing, even if it was a mixture of rain and sleet.

May have been a little better if I'd worn appropriate shoes, but hey, why would I do that??

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Day 31 - Don't be Dazzled

One of the most annoying things about the UK driving test questions is that when you put your "bright" headlights on, don't 'dazzle' the other drivers!! So this was our joke, my first night driving through the winding roads of the Dingle peninsula.

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Day 30 - Ireland I am Coming Home

Happy St. Paddy's Day 2011

I experienced my very first Guinness, but added a blackcurrent for good measure.

And I experienced something new!

Hope everyone wore green, or I'm sending a virtual pinch!

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Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 29 - Bye Bye Bye

Bye bye St. Lawrence House, my office home for the past year. You will be missed, especially having my own place and space to go to.

And bye bye Jane, awesome to see you and enjoy some banoffee pie!

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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day 28 - London 2012

Tickets for Summer Olympics 2012 went on sale today, 15 March 2011. I only bid on a few, they are expensive!

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Day 27 - Dan the Man

Happy Birthday Dan the Man.

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Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 26 - The Cock Inn

A delicious roast dinner shared between myself, Robyn and Jane Grimes, traditional English Sunday Funday!

I was disappointed that we only received three different variations of potato (roast, mashed, and new), I expected more.

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Saturday 12 March 2011

Day 25 - Stonehenge

We saw the giant pigs that built Stonehenge, amazing!!!

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Day 24 - Tsunami

So, my dad has gone to Hawaii. And there's a tsunami coming, I text him, no response.

Then I call him, he's sleeping, waiting for the first wave to hit. I asked him to let me know he was alive in the morning, so then I text my brother.

So, everyone is okay, no one is under water.

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Thursday 10 March 2011

Day 23 - The Jedi Twins

The Jedi Twins, Dean and Natalie were born yesterday, 9 March 2011. Congratulations Derek and Abbey!!!

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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Day 22 - Mirror Signal Maneuver

Today was my UK driving test. After 15 years of driving, I can still pass a test, even if I hit a curb once and left the car in neutral when I tried to go. I was chastised for not checking my mirrors enough, but I think the guy was looking for miracles. Oh, and no one has ever told me that I drive too slow!!!

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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 21 - Heat On/Heat Off

Who knew that boilers were so complicated??? This simple button, which I had no knowledge of, is the reason my toes froze last night! Thanks to Tony, I'll have roasty little piggies tonight!

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Monday 7 March 2011

Day 20 - Adios Seville

Thanks Tracey for our Rose Bowl t-shirts, Frogs in Seville!

I don't want to go home. It's awfully late to be waiting to deboard the airplane.

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Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 19 - SW Reunion

In Sevilla with some TCU friends, old and new

Planning TCU's next big 'study abroad' for social work and nutrition, or maybe just tagging along. Thanks y'all!

They have orange trees everywhere, and a little traditional flamenco to end the evening.

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Saturday 5 March 2011

Day 18 - Sevilla

Now boarding

But before I go, a little sunshine to brighten my day

And a little nightcap now that I've arrived. Love that sangria wine!

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Friday 4 March 2011

Day 17 - Snakebite

It was a 'snakebite' kind of night.

In England, it's a cider, lager, and blackcurrent. Delicious, yet dangerous.

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Thursday 3 March 2011

Day 16 - The Boat That Rocked

Pirate Radio - the British title.

The first time I ever saw Philip Seymour Hoffman in a role where he didn't give me nightmares. If you love music, you'll appreciate this. Good pick Tim!!

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Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 15 - Randy Giraffe

My most recent iPhone app addiction. She repeats and kisses and makes this funny little 'moan' when you rub her belly, and if you play 'paddy cake' with her, you get more goodies to feed her! I unlocked the baby giraffe today, isn't he cute???

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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 14 - Blue Like Jazz

My brother gave me a wonderful book for Christmas, about faith, as requested. 'Blue Like Jazz' is written by Donald Miller, and he has a lot of valuable points, the one that stuck out most to me is to let yourself receive love, as well as give it. Thanks Geoffrey!

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