Monday 28 February 2011

Day 13 - Words with Geoffrey

My first "Words with Friends" game in over a year, and per the norm, my "little" brother whopped my ass!

The school where Mick Jagger went is a block down the street from my office, cool, huh???

And how many of us have used our "card readers" to make a transfer or change their details online?? You actually slide your debit card in to the top and put your pin in, weird.

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Sunday 27 February 2011

Day 12 - Canterbury Tales

Visit to Canterbury Cathedral, a beautiful place. The main hall is a huge and open space, the minister did a prayer while we were there. Like many other structures that I've seen, unfortunately there was scaffolding throughout as they are cleaning or working on the architecture to protect it. Still pretty cool though.

Day 11 - Peruvian Beginner Dish

Thanks Sara for my Lomo Saltado, yum yum

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Friday 25 February 2011

Day 10 - Yummy

After a long week, a three hour driving lesson, not getting paid until 4pm today, locking myself out of the house and being lucky enough to have a fabulous neighbour home to put me up for the day, some "Yummy" was in order.

And now I'm living the dream, watching Tiger Woods on the Wii, feeling like I'm back in NoDak.

And a grumpy Wii Mii, Tony my neighbour.

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Thursday 24 February 2011

Day 9 - Mirror Mirror

So, As I walked out the door this morning, headed to work, this is what I encountered

My poor car, why would someone rip the mirror off? And how could this happen in a posh little English village like Bearsted??

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Wednesday 23 February 2011

Day 8 - Lunch vs. Dinner

Pizza party for lunch. There were plenty more boxes.

And dinner.

Enough said..,

But I added this for good measure. Six desks for at least 15 social workers will suit us just fine, and thanks for the presentation...

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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day 7 - Daddy's Swag

I got a nice little package at work today, shortly after I was bragging to my colleagues that I was expecting one! "Witnessed" the 2011 Rose Bowl, TCU wins, and I have the t-shirt to prove it.

I also received another purple, long sleeved t-shirt, TCU 'Go Frogs!' and some Tylenol (love the head ache, hangover preventative meds!), and some mushy cards. I don't know why, but I was sent my tax mail, little does 'Daddy' know that I'll be sending that right back to him asking for his help.

Monday 21 February 2011

Day 6 - Listen to your Heart

My favourite radio station in the UK, HEART. Listen to heart radio, they've got Patrick Swayze, Lady Gaga, Cilo Green, Journey, and all the rest!

It's especially good on my way home from work when I'm not supposed to be driving! (kidding...or am I??)

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Sunday 20 February 2011

Day 5 - Jack Attack

A quick but wonderful visit in London with a good friend that was stuck in Germany during the "big" winter storm. Always a good time Jack!

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Location:Swanley,United Kingdom

Saturday 19 February 2011

Day 4 - Piri Piri Hummus

So, there is this delicious restaurant in England called Nandos. They make Piri Piri chicken, and it can be quite spicy! Today, after denying a substantial craving yesterday and forcing myself to leave the house on a Saturday, I fulfilled my want for Nandos Piri Piri, and tried the hummus, which I've decided I could now live off of.

The reason I forced myself to leave the house was not only for food (though I will admit it was a driving force) but also to get a few more bits to finish putting away things in my new room. Yay, done and dusted, ready to get back in to bed to spend the rest of the evening!

My new room.

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Day 3 - Henry

Today we did the final clean up of the house, and I learned what the "tip" is: a place for all kinds of rubbish, including old vacuum cleaners, ironing boards, overflowing trash, etc. Amazing...

If I had a Henry vacuum when I was little, I would have loved cleaning!

Tonight was a big night for me with some very lovely friends for my 30th birthday. I didn't get a picture of them, but felt it was an important moment. We had a nice meal at "The Oak" and then headed to the White Horse for drinks. Good times.

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Thursday 17 February 2011

Day 2 - Bye

I have been inspired by a good friend who started "Project 365" after being inspired by her friend, etc. When we hear stories about near death, people say, "oh, my life flashed before my eyes". So, the basic idea is, what would that look like? I've decided to try it out for the 30th year of my life, a picture a day to see what "Year 30" has to offer.

I'm leaving the house/flat I've lived in for the past year, my first 'home' in England. Bye bye room.

Thanks to my wonderful friends for their help cleaning, they got down on their hands and knees and scrubbed away. Always a blessing to be surrounded by wonderful people.

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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Day 1, 30th

Happy 30th Birthday to me! I had a great day with great friends. Thanks to all the wonderful people in my life, even if I spent my next month's rent shopping! I have a new house mate, I'm sure he'll understand.

I had a nice visit with one of my children in foster care today, and he said as I was leaving, "wait, we have flowers for you, (of course he didn't, but his carer worked it out, and I got a l bouquet and a 'happy birthday'). A lovely day...

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